roslua: ROS client library for Lua

Module roslua.slave_proxy

Slave XML-RPC API proxy. This module contains the SlaveProxy class to call methods provided via XML-RPC by ROS slaves.

The user should not have to directly interact with the slave. It is used to initiate topic connections and get information about the slave. It can also be used to remotely shutdown a slave.

Copyright© Tim Niemueller, Carnegie Mellon University, Intel Research Pittsburgh

Release: Released under BSD license


SlaveProxy:getBusStats () Get bus stats.
SlaveProxy:getMasterUri () Get slaves master URI.
SlaveProxy:getPid () Get PID of remote slave.
SlaveProxy:getPublications () Get all publications of remote node.
SlaveProxy:getSubscriptions () Get all subscriptions of remote node.
SlaveProxy:new (slave_uri, node_name) Constructor.
SlaveProxy:requestTopic (topic) Request a TCPROS connection for a specific topic.
SlaveProxy:shutdown (msg) Shutdown remote node.


SlaveProxy:getBusStats ()
Get bus stats.

Return value:

bus stats
SlaveProxy:getMasterUri ()
Get slaves master URI.

Return value:

slaves master URI
SlaveProxy:getPid ()
Get PID of remote slave. Can be used to "ping" the remote node.
SlaveProxy:getPublications ()
Get all publications of remote node.

Return value:

list of publications
SlaveProxy:getSubscriptions ()
Get all subscriptions of remote node.

Return value:

list of subscriptions
SlaveProxy:new (slave_uri, node_name)


  • slave_uri: XML-RPC HTTP slave URI
  • node_name: name of this node
SlaveProxy:requestTopic (topic)
Request a TCPROS connection for a specific topic.


  • topic: name of topic

Return value:

TCPROS communication parameters
SlaveProxy:shutdown (msg)
Shutdown remote node.


  • msg: shutdown message

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